本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 1: Unit, Prefix, Significant Figures, Estimation & History,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
02.03: An airplane takes off usew/ox0v/7ve, ,i zxand flies 300 miles at anhj 4hy (libk4htobh h88,2lx+ angle of $30^{\circ}$ north of east. It then changes direction and flies 600 miles due west before landing. In what direction is the plane’s landing point from its starting point?
A. $14.2^{\circ}$ north of west
B. $23.8^{\circ}$ north of west
C. $37.4^{\circ}$ north of west
D. $66.2^{\circ}$ north of west
E. $75.9^{\circ}$ north of west
参考答案: B