本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 1: Unit, Prefix, Significant Figures, Estimation & History,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
04.01: In chronological order (earliest to latest), plap m8q itkij g9v34;vp4.p+o3we9i xnuce the following eve8g pbllb)i )x oq21s:oa2 ag2vnts: Event A: Henry Cavendish's experiment. Event B: Newton's work leading towards the Law of Universal Gravitation. Event C: Tycho Brahe takes astronomical data. Event D: Nicolaus Copernicus proposes the heliocentric theory. Event E: Johannes Kepler's work on the orbit of Mars.
A. order DCEBA
B. order DCBEA
C. order DBCEA
D. order DBACE
E. order CEDBA
参考答案: A