本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 1: Unit, Prefix, Significant Figures, Estimation & History,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
94.13: The purpose of the Decemberh:d* eynbqu /1kaf vto6k+;v ogk+lyl 4cv 8;. 19 g*a8uxcwa i)993 space shuttle Endeavor mission was to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. The shuttle astronauts corrected the major problem of the telescope when they: A. replaced an improperly*awig8uac9 x) ground lens.
A. installed corrective optics to compensate for the mis-shaped mirror.
B. freed a stuck camera shutter and installed a new roll of film. D. installed a new primary mirror.
C. repositioned the transmitting antenna to point towards Earth.
参考答案: B