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Physics Bowl by Topic 1: Unit, Prefix, Significant Figures, Estimation & History

admin 发表于 2024-3-30 22:05:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 1: Unit, Prefix, Significant Figures, Estimation & History,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)

13.11: There was great exnm/f1fg* k8 bx ; :zfqfdug)dwz 5*i0yhs/f k9+26ffzikf13mfp qarr + 48dbccitement in the physics community because of an announcement from the LHC during the summ ff4zrphs6/d kf 2cfk +b f+m9aq81i3rer of 2012. Which one of the following choices best represents the reason for the excitement?

A. The announcement that life was found on Mars.
B. The announcement that dark matter had been created and studied in the laboratory.
C. The announcement that the Hubble Telescope discovered a “spaceship-like” object near Alpha Centauri.
D. The announcement that the mass of a neutrino had been determined.
E. The announcement that there was experimental evidence of a particle consistent with a Higgs Boson.

参考答案:  E

本题详细解析: 暂无




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