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IB MAI HL Statistics & Probability Topic 4.2 Bivariate Statistics (id: 5e452e805

admin 发表于 2024-3-31 22:50:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB MAI HL Statistics & Probability Topic 4.2 Bivariate Statistics,类别为 IB数学

At Changi Airport in Singapore, 6i/ csm9cm u6rsix passengers were surveyed on the qk0aikr l7-*ept-1 u wnumber of stores they had shopped in, and the waiting time for the flight, in minutes. The data is shown in the scatter diagram below, where x represents the waiting time for their flight and y repe1a7-tprk 0iq-ul* k wresents the number of stores they had shopped in.

1.Use the scatter diagram above to complete the missing cells in the table below.

2. Find the Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, r , for this data.≈  
3. Give two reasons why it would not be valid to use this scatter diagram to predict the number of stores a passenger will shop in, who has a 120 minute wait time.

参考答案: 0.428±2%





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