本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 2: Kinematics - part I General Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
08.23: The velocity vs. t lbggwxos/, lm; 15 7qxime graph for the moti r yl:)86j4 v;ww b, zyiq+fzldon of a car on a straight track is shown in the diagram. The thick line represents the velocity. Assume that th ql:8i+ wlrv,zz;y6 )4 dy wbfje car starts at origin $x=0$. At which time is the car the greatest distance from the origin?
A. t=10s
B. t=6s
C. t=5s
D. t=3s
E. t=0s
参考答案: C