本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 2: Kinematics - part I General Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
09.08: Consider the motion o -k 0h,gd/ts3bjcpvq;f an m.lz(cof6 tp cpy+*4 w8dz c 57xlz6eiobject given by the position vs. time graph shown. For w p567*c4wt(z zx do cp.lcl6+ifm zy 8ehat time(s) is the speed of the object greatest?
A. at all times from t=0 to t=2.0s
B. at time t=3.0s
C. at time t=4.0s
D. at all times from t=5.0s to t=7.0s A
E. at time t=5.8s
参考答案: C