本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 2: Kinematics - part I General Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
15.14: A particle hahqi//5-ri g hluh;.cgs a pos2h9olas/q6 vzx,)0qim3m wn 6(lwj 0ni pg; apition $x$, as a function of time $t$, given as $x(t) = -15 - 25t + 10t^2$. Which one of the following choices represents the magnitude of the particle’s acceleration? All quantities are expressed in base SI units.
A. $5\;m/s^2$
B. $10\;m/s^2$
C. $15\;m/s^2$
D. $20\;m/s^2$
E. $40\;m/s^2$
参考答案: D