本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 2: Kinematics - part I General Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
15.41: For the entire sm j yf 1.h5(r+kezj3v time s b).y wwuk(f y1vd0/1op,g zbqhown in the graph, which one of the following choices correctly describes the relat /1v fy(,q).dbozy0 kbuww1p gionship between the average speed of the truck to that of the car?
A. The truck’s average speed is less than the average speed of the car.
B. The truck’s average speed is the same as the average speed of the car.
C. The truck’s average speed is greater than the average speed of the car.
D. The truck’s average speed is positive, the car’s average speed is negative of the same magnitude.
E. A relationship cannot be determined without more information.
参考答案: A