本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 2: Kinematics - part I General Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
17.08: A mass moves ; 6 c-sbg*yl ,fxp.gxvalong the x-axis following the position vs. t5nrat l*9lnhx axgu: 0s.f;; time graph provided. During what time interval(s) does the ma s*xlxn; t;fh0 tr9al5:gu.nass have zero acceleration?
A. only from 0 < t < 3
B. only at t = 5
C. only from 7 < t < 10
D. only from 0 < t < 3 and 7 < t < 10
E. only from 0 < t < 3, t = 5 , and 7 < t < 10
参考答案: D