本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 3: Kinematics - part II Uniformly Accelerated Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
04.28: A rubber ball bounces on the groaexqr8 b,1d dcq) rrfn6 /-6u -l0viljund as8f q0ct1yg.am3g :inp3xa3u) r 1pvet shown. After each bounce, the ball reaches one-half the height of the bounce before it. If the time the ball was in the air between the first and second bounce was 1 secn3 .1t uy:3r pga8xa0 3fvctqpgie1)mond, what would be the time between the second and third bounce?
A. 0.50 sec
B. 0.71 sec
C. 1.0 sec
D. 1.4 sec
E. 2.0 sec
参考答案: B