本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 3: Kinematics - part II Uniformly Accelerated Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
06.03: Three students were arguuifpq136v 5yb ing about the height ofwb6 / 31fupkne a parking garage. One student sugge3 1nue bk6fw/psted that to determine the height of the garage, they simply had to drop tennis balls from the top and time the fall of the tennis balls. If the time for the ball to fall was 1.4 seconds, approximately how tall is the parking garage?
A. 4.9 m
B. 7.0 m
C. 9.8 m
D. 13.8 m
E. 19.6 m
参考答案: C