本题目来源于试卷: Physics Bowl by Topic 3: Kinematics - part II Uniformly Accelerated Motion,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
06.13: A rock is dropped from the top of altmtsq 07f( d/ ;pdaj1stq 65m4p j/ mntall tower. Half a second later another rock, twipsjq4p mjm/d ant;561ce as massive as the first, is dropped. Ignoring air resistance,
A. the distance between the rocks increases while both are falling.
B. the acceleration is greater or the more massive rock.
C. the speed of both rocks is constant while they fall.
D. they strike the ground more than half a second apart.
E. they strike the ground with the same kinetic energy.
参考答案: A