本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
How does information transfer from sensory zg :k.:u0 )pb(ig njxgto short-term memory accorsu/p. vn06 +u:g2q wee6vwgwjding to Atkinson & Shiffrin's multi-store model of memgw 2 v6su.n+qge pu: 6jvw/we0ory?
A. Through decay
B. Through rehearsal
C. Through attention
D. Through retrieval
参考答案: C
The correct answer is C. Sensory memory robt(27f8u1,n .o;ylhli w kk usually lasts a fraction of a second. If we ignore a piece of sensory information, we will not notice it; therefore, we will not be able to remember it. When we pay attention to specific environmental stimuli, they are processed by our sensory memory and transferred to our short-term memory. Attention is el2k78u(nwy ihf1o ,o krb. ;ltssential in the transfer of information from sensory memory to short-term memory. Once information is in our short-term memory, we can rehearse and store it in our long-term memory for future retrieval.