本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
Which of the following is not a prin3d lx ju.dx fnwbev)xz.hl8p 0k19n70ciple of cognitivei:dx2orh z- h) approach?
A. Biases in cognitive processes can be systematic and predictable.
B. Cognitive processes don’t function in isolation.
C. Mental processes can be studied scientifically.
D. Behaviour is the product of physiology.
参考答案: D
The statement ‘behaviour is the m.eb e((*z.v3rqife wproduct of physiology’ is not a principle of cognitive approach. It is a principle of the biological approach.
Options A, B and C are all principles of the q.vfe bmwi(.(r*ze e 3cognitive approach.