本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
Why is memory recall )idn (h)v9 uymlq4y195italn gt uv nirh6 /)pkvtk+ -jbb) 0c8x3vaaej//-m considered reconstructive?
A. Because it involves retrieval of information that was once stored.
B. Because it is like mental record or a video of past events.
C. Because it can be influenced by a variety of factors such as preconcieved notions and schemas.
D. Because memory stores significant events.
参考答案: C
Choice C is the correct option. It is believed that if memorynin:q /lka1 ;b+ gp2v2kuv1o r;fyew: encoding is constructive, then logically, memory recall must be reconstructive.
It is not a passive process automatically recording events but an active process influeced by existing beliefs and schemas.
Therefi1n1 vfwkb u; +ypkl:gva2:/ 2oq; renore, options A, B, and D are not accurate.
Elizabeth Loftus and other scholars have extensively researched and documented the reconstructive quality of memory.