本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
Some studies on eyewitness testimonies are conducted in naturalistic ;rlk.b av- :kssettings3e;b s+5r b 0ykv6p 9yfwud2qp. Whichvr bbu p+5qywd20f63; ye9psk of the following is a limitation of these settings?
A. Lack of population validity
B. Lack of internal validity
C. Lack of generalization
D. Lack of reflexivity
参考答案: B
Most of the studies on eyewitness testimony are c k cas*outh6g(gv(,0a/, rvzdonducted in naturalistic settings where lack of internal validity becomes a main limitation. Since these studies take place in a natural environment resulting in high ecological validity, th,rvsk /uad, vcgat0 * h6(gz(oere is also the effect of extraneous/confounding variables which cannot be controlled in a natural environment. Hence, there cannot be a cause-and-effect relationship leading to a lack of internal validity.