本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
What is the common effect of nz8 f,lw)wr2y,5kjh+ex: ymjrepeapgzzbel7s; ;18 f.qkkted exposure to fake news or false information on social media on a pe8kfzs1ql;;7 zg. kbeprson's memory?
A. It increases the likelihood of false information being remembered as false.
B. It increases the likelihood of false information being remembered as true.
C. It increases the likelihood of false information being shared.
D. It has no observed effect based on research.
参考答案: B
Sharing something repeatedly on social m...x-frz/s lh-,xhv/ xzv:yw+i ug ezedia can lead people to believe it to be true, even if it's false (Hassan & Barber, 2021). This suggests that falsehoods can become accepted as facts simply through repetition.
Hassan, A., & Barber, S. J. (2021). The effects of repetition frequency on the illusory truth effect. Cognitive Researcxle ufgsrzhzi,x../ -. vh-z/yx :wv+ h: Principles and Implications, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-021-00301-5