本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Cognitive Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
Which of the followivh69 sz: o x.+kqxwst*ng resear0ht k9-d1q1qwbl6 l. rdhpx(p ch methods is appropriate to study the effect of tewpk h 1p(9-b0lqr6t l .dxd1hqchnology on cognition?
A. Observation
B. Field experiment
C. Laboratory experiment
D. Surveys
参考答案: C
Experiments are an appropriate research method t7vm )ljp9rbzii :5sm6 o study cognition and technology as they allow researchers to control the variables, enabling them to see the effect of the IV on the DV, thereby making the study reliable (can be repeated) and valid ( establish accuracy of the results).
B is incorrect, as field experiments do not m5 mj rvs9b:)ip6 iz7lallow for the control of extraneous variables, reducing the validity of the results.
A and D are qualitative research methods and would not help to establish a cause-and-effect relationship