本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Biological Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学
Identity this phenomenon - ‘Brain arear e7gv* f8.ggdo2xb-o X assumes the functions of braine/2 x2sa2z),z +djoo-zhci h u area Y’.hx -2/hiz ao2czzdj2 )o+eus,
A. Neuroplasticity
B. Localization of brain function
C. Cortical remapping
D. Neurotransmission
参考答案: C
Cortical remapping, or cortical ree wvrr:r*rt9 dc+h:y /organization, is the ability of one part of the brain area to assume the functions of another part of the brain in case of an injury.
Corticrr9 : r hdce+/y*vwrt:al remapping is explained in the research by Merzenich et al. (1984) on eight adult owl monkeys. The middle finger of the monkey was amputated, and remapping was observed in 62 days. Adjacent areas from other fingers spread and occupied the parts of the unused area / amputated area.