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IB Psychology HL Biological Approaches to Human Behaviour (id: e186f7457)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 08:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Biological Approaches to Human Behaviour,类别为 IB心理学

Which of the below is only a cof i+hm+jr;yf n9 7hvd.mponent of functional mag+2ufs1anedx,o(rq8-ph/rf t w 6v. ewnetic resonance imaging (fMR/u-+,wf8fvh. d2exow ts6rra e1q(p n I)?

A. It uses magnetic fields to cause nuclei to emit radio waves.
B. Produces 3D images of the brain.
C. Produces 3D video representation of brain activity over time.
D. Non-invasive, low-risk technique to study the brain.

参考答案:  C

A, B and D are functions of the MRI and fMRI. Tyzjj yaj exf(yr-799.he difference between the MRI and fMRI is C, the ability to produce a video representation of brain activity over time, which a normal MRI cannot do. MRI scans use magnetic fi(e7j f -yyax.9 yzjj9relds and radio waves to produce 3D computer-generated images.




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