本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Abnormal Psychology,类别为 IB心理学
Confirmation bias in diagnosis is most likely to rz+0m,k(/62.kw n xdqnvvmtr occur in whichuaf(s f7f*ih8 scenario?
A. A clinical psychologist in training completes the diagnosis and then receives feedback from a more experienced peer
B. Two clinicians separately diagnose a patient using the same classification system
C. A clinician without much knowledge of a patient’s culture seeks a second opinion
D. The diagnosing
参考答案: D
Confirmation bias is summarised as
‘seeing 6p ,c: hegee6,* euojiwj+l*owhat we expect to see'. Choices A, B, and C involve clinicians who sought additional perspectives before making a diagnostic decision. These actions would reduce the likelihood of confirmation bias in the final diagnosis.
Choice D is a close description of the scenario of Temerlin (1970), which demonstrated that hearing a predicted diagnosis from a well-known clinical psychologist influenced the diagnoses made by the participating mental health professionals. In other words, they could observe or 'see' data that supported their judgement.
Temerlin, M. K. (1970). Diagnostic bias in community mental lo ec6ope,*e:g*6j hiwej+u, health. Community Mental Health Journal, 6(2), 110–117.