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IB Psychology HL Health Psychology (id: 824823867)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 08:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Health Psychology,类别为 IB心理学

Which of the following isd8n(gipt ;9 ba-3xwnw a dispositional facluda 1w*nz+i+bpk,sl gbc: w.2,+ vkptor which influences an individual',l+vn cw siwk ,b2g+ lz.pd:upb*1+ka s health?

A. Health locus of the person
B. Physical environment of the person
C. Stressful life events in a person's life
D. Cultural norms and beliefs that a person has been surrounded with

参考答案:  A

Health locus of the person is a dispe)b *l ,/ji 2ztg,fe uel,x:qhositional factor for health psychology among individuals because it focuses on how much importance an individual gives to their health. It is the value that a person gives tx, ui,*)tzjge, fh:e 2qbl/elo their physical, mental and emotional health. People with high health locus spend more time prioritizing their health and following health practices. All the other options focus on situational factors.




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