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IB Psychology HL Approaches to Research on Behavior (id: f34faff80)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 08:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Approaches to Research on Behavior,类别为 IB心理学

What distinguishes a field exp /o)a;2 hw+usokr8i8duhb19v.mi4 k sknskp, eri 4rn+nh .+gaoj:r6r. 2jjx fziment from a laboratory experiment?

A. Field experiments involve manipulating variables in a controlled environment.
B. Field experiments take place in a natural setting with minimal researcher control.
C. Field experiments always involve the random assignment of participants.
D. Field experiments are limited to observational data collection.

参考答案:  B

In a field experiment, researchers manipulate variables in a real-world w;f*ex 9 wsj1ksetting (natural environment) while maintaining a degree of control over the experimental conditions (choice B). This contrasts with a laboratory experiment where researchers have more control over the environment. Choice A describes a laboratory experiment, not a field experiment. Random assignment is a common feature in experiments but not unique to field experiments (C), and j1;ww xek*9sf field experiments involve experimental manipulation, not just observational data collection (D).




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