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IB Psychology HL Approaches to Research on Behavior (id: eef557c8d)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 08:31:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Psychology HL Approaches to Research on Behavior,类别为 IB心理学

Which qualitative research method is most suitable for explrj0/ 1 w1 q6ur gxkql:w6dj6tlorh mp:ixw66/gx3k*hnding cultural norms, practices, and behaviors within their k i6*dxnw: xm/g3p6hh natural setting?

A. Focus group discussion
B. Naturalistic observation
C. Case study
D. Interview

参考答案:  B

Naturalistic observation involves directly obseriahc(d: 8yz me 1qi+x-g:ax 6vving behaviors within their natural context, making it particularly suitable for understanding cultural norms, practices, and behaviors without significant researcher interference. While case studies (C) can capture cultural aspects, they often involve more in-depth exploration of specific instances rather than direct observation of cultural behaviors. Interviews (D) rely on participant accounts and might not provide the same level of direct observ zx-+(h cy via6q8ix: mgda:e1ation of cultural practices, and focus group discussions (A) involve participant interactions and discussions, which might not capture cultural behaviors as directly as naturalistic observation.




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