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IB Economics Unit 2.2: Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics (id: 65b3a7d84)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 17:31:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Economics Unit 2.2: Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics,类别为 IB经济学

Which of the following is not an assumption of rational conn:7yt v 9oyl(uejvwc:r5 *s )ssumer choice -pue x.ah6*umq 9q5nm?

A. Perfect Information
B. Satisficing
C. Non-satiation
D. Utility Maximisation

参考答案:  B

Satisficing is followed when there is bounded rationality. Options A, C, youp,j)f *t:wl tk p:57*uv0y0y. o+uawmbfj and D are assumptions of rational consumer choice Option A: as the consumer can make a rational choice only if perfect infoy:up)ok0l*b f0 uyywp 5: ,*7u . tjotvaf+wmjrmation about the products is available. Option C: as a consumer always prefers to have more of a good rather than less of it. Option D: a rational consumer buys a combination of goods within a given money limit that maximises his utility.




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