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IB Economics Unit 2.2: Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics (id: 3022082f1)

admin 发表于 2024-4-8 17:35:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Economics Unit 2.2: Microeconomics - Behavioral Economics,类别为 IB经济学

Which of the followi +p,)jfyz9qvp *de(2avbl p)pnwn6)87jht/muz7kr1spdj,a qxva l2 1g statements are true about the concept of bounded rationalsa rln,d t xhz 2v j6mwq/7ak)87jp1u1ity?
I. Consumers maximise utility
II. Consumers satisfice rather than maximise utility
III. Consumers cannot process all information
IV. Consumers have perfect information

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

参考答案:  C

Statement I is incorrect becausc6y)6xgb: z-tytrtyzp x7;aygk : ,-ye maximising utility is a characteristic of a perfectly rational consumer. Statement II is correct because a consumer is behaving rationally only within limits, so instead of maximising utility, consumers satisfice. Statement III is correct because consumers cannot process all information to behave in a rational manner. Statement IV is incorrect because consumers typically have insufficient i-yptxazy6 x: tyr)k,g -6: ;cy7tyzgbnformation.




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