本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Determine which is the best definition for ‘environmental val i:x, o:5dmdvqzzb wfu p,30f,uees 9te z24c)n4vg1vovd .qr4r system’ (EVS).
A. A set of experiences that define what an individual or group believes about the environment.
B. The cultural and socio-political contexts which guide one’s perception of environmental issues.
C. A set of beliefs and ideas about the environment and our relationship with it that guide one’s decisions.
D. The decisions that we make when dealing with the environment.
参考答案: C
An individual’s or group’s environmental value system is a combination ofg7,zyh(du-dtw g 9k 8k values and ideas that determine how they look at and act upon environmental issues. Like any other system, an EVS has inputs and outputs. Inputs of a(ztk yu8 h-d d7g9kgw,n EVS are experiences (option A) and cultural and socio-political contexts (option B). Outputs are decisions (option D). These options are all, therefore, incomplete definitions.