本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Figure: A systems mod arlt+z24vydd2rb4;2l xmdh0 *bquha6:f:wf,v6 nxg 5qj c 3eel for developing an environmental value system
Identify which of the following best represents stage II in the development of an environmental value system as represented in the system diagram in the Figure.
A. Research for a project on ways of reducing carbon footprints.
B. The country a person lives in.
C. A person's religion
D. Joining your school's environmental action club.
参考答案: A
Option B is best classified as an input, as would option C. Option D is best classified as an output. Option A best represents a process in a system of value development.