本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Explain the idea that the 8qi,io/ee wg8thn h8.environmentb /jj2 esae1g7 has an intrinsic value.
A. The environment is beautiful and should therefore be protected.
B. The environment is useful and should therefore be valued
C. The environment is a system that includes us and therefore should be protected.
D. The environment exists and therefore should be valued.
参考答案: D
ntrinsic means basic to a thing, an aspect t t(i+r 1bxv;ot5u4dq 5:x(ln lyp gw(what belongs to a thing. Intrinsic value means that something is valuable simply for being what it is. Option D is correct. The environment has value in just being, not for what it can prov( o +ilywx4 bl5(xr(t1nt w5qg;v:upd ide humans (option B), for being beautiful (for humans) (option A) or because we have some special connection to it or are part of it (option C). And something that has value should be protected.