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IB Economics Unit 3.1: Macroeconomics - Economic Output, AD & AS (id: 078208096)

admin 发表于 2024-4-10 18:14:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Economics Unit 3.1: Macroeconomics - Economic Output, AD & AS,类别为 IB经济学


Following a decrease in AD to $AD_1$ , identify whether this economy is experiencing an inflationary or recessionary gap at point
A, and what will occur in the long run.

A. Type of gap is Inflationary,Long-run outcome is Unemployment falls
B. Type of gap is Recessionary ,Long-run outcome is Unemployment rises
C. Type of gap is Inflationary,Long-run outcome is Unemployment rises
D. Type of gap is Recessionary ,Long-run outcome is Unemployment falls

参考答案:  B

When AD decreases (AD tprm8 4ytsu231au nj3 ) uh3x+-ykgqpao $AD_1$), the economy will be producing below its full-employment level of output: this is known as a recessionary gap. During a recessionary gap, unemployment rises as businesses lay off workers in response to decreasing aggregate demand. Choice A would be correct if AD shifted rightward. Choice C would be correct if SRAS shifted leftward. Choice D is not possible, as rising unemployment is a defining characteristic of a recession.




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