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IB Economics Unit 3.3: Macroeconomics - Inequality & Poverty (id: 0b76f56b1)

admin 发表于 2024-4-10 20:15:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: IB Economics Unit 3.3: Macroeconomics - Inequality & Poverty,类别为 IB经济学

The table below showe:ylqe:qvs77fm d e, ;s the chstf 1gc(39bxsn-6ug yb2-km0y ta0a canging income shares of the Australian population between 2004 and 20081y(-0gsc bx ayc-abn f92tm3 gts6ku0 .

Income group Share of total income in 2004 (%) Share of total income in 2008 (%)
Poorest 20 % 7.4 7.2
Second 20 % 12.2 11.8
Third 20 % 16.4 15.9
Fourth 20 % 22.8 22.5
Richest 20 % 40.9 42.7

From the data given above it may be concluded that over the period in question
I.The distribution of income has become more unequal
II. The distribution of income has become more equal
III.The poorest income group experience a rise in their income

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II only
D. I, II, and III

参考答案:  A

The share of income going to the m cbf66.hn)qnqf2 5 lfbottom 20% has reduced over time while that going to the richest 20% has incrb.f5fcqnqm l66h f)2neased. Hence, inequality has increased Statement I is correct as inequality has increased because the share of income going to the bottom 20% has reduced, but the share of income going to the richest 20% has increased. Statement II is incorrect, as income has become more unequal. Statement III is incorrect. Without total income data the change of income for the poorest group cannot be determined.




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