本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
An EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) iq4jth706d2fbhs - j vss usually carj9jk)) ofg nfm +gi0 *buyx(o(ried out before a major construction(*om 9+j(u)x b )gkinyf jgo0f project is undertaken. Outline the basic structure of an EIA.
I. Baseline studies to help monitor changes in the future.
II. Assessment of the social, economic and environmental impacts of the project in the long term.
III. Directions to observe indirect impacts of the project.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II only
D. III only
参考答案: C
An EIA is done to evaluate possible impacts and suggest ma29be2ugl;t i itigation strategies before a project is undertaken. It includes baseline studies and an ag2u2 ietb ;9lassessment of the longterm impacts of the project (Statements I and II). Different countries have different requirements for the possible use of EIAs. There is no standard practice or requirement to implement an EIA. Indirect impacts of the project are not usually addressed (Option D)