本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Identify the factor that is not a way to in gt05s l-mw(emc y0mjb75 btwjbt f,c5zc66z 5crease sustainability.
A. Decreasing genetic diversity due to the use of monocultures for food production
B. Increasing biodiversity leading to increased resilience to invasive species
C. Decreasing effects of climate change due to increase in forests and wetland areas
D. Improving crop production by introducing bees and other pollinators
参考答案: A
An increase in genetic diversity is necessary fozfg *gf8 9z3fbmc df)0r breeding programs and developing new varieties of crops. Genetic diversity also provides resilience to changes and creates sustainable agricultural systems. *m8f c9bf3z0f)gdfgz Increasing biodiversity (Option B) is crucial to provide resilience to ecosystems and prevent invasive species from taking over by using up available resources that native species need. This will lead to the sustainability of ecosystems. Mitigating the effects of climate change by increasing forest areas and wetlands is a move towards sustainability (Option C). Improving crop productivity by introducing pollinators (Option D) is a step forward for food security and sustainability.