本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Figure: Death rates from out 3u/gblx 3*x nedoor p vxgeo)fb/ t4+8n zol/ollution vs. GDP per capita 2019
[Source: Outdoor Air Pollution (2019) OurWorldindata.org. Retrieved July 30, 2023, from https ://ourworldindata.org/outdoor-air-pollution. CC BY 4.0]
Using the Figure, identify which country had the largest GDP per capita (income per person) in 2019.
A. Uzbekistan
B. China
C. The United States
D. Qatar
参考答案: D
Option D is correct as Qatar is the furthest country to the right, the axis mf8 u, lfakpj05easuring GDP per capita.u0,a8jlff5kp