本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 1 Foundations of ESS,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
In 1984 the Union Carbide plant ins/l7pa b0mewidmwg6p6 ( ./vn Bhopal, India, released vast amourx8)u+jbr ww) nts of methyl isocyanate gas into the air. Thousands of people died in ther )b8wxj+ uwr) first few days after the disaster.
State the type of pollution that occurred.
what is Source ;Effect of pollution?
A. non-point source pollution; acute pollution
B. non-point source pollution ;chronic pollution
C. point source pollution ;acute pollution
D. point source pollution ;chronic pollution
参考答案: C
The pollution is released from a single place, so it is -fe m2onu/0g(vv nz q*a point source. This means that Options A auzm2nq- ( 0v*fongev/nd B are incorrect. The pollution was released at one time, so it is acute. This means that Options B and D are incorrect. This leaves Option C, which is correct as the pollution was released from one place (point source) and at one time (acute).