本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Figure: Growth curve of a m8qeo; d6oqh, pop 7ahi4so 2:2i/ xnr kb0ab vk6fulation
Identify the part of the graph that shows an ‘overshoot' of the population.
A. graph A
B. graph B
C. graph C
D. graph D
参考答案: C
A population that is not limit 9u6xjj+z e:x/ufvte -ed will experience exponential growth, as shown at A. Once the population reaches the stage that can be supported sustainably by the area (carrying capacity, shown at B), any further growth as shown at C is an ‘ovxt6 /xf+zuuj e:9-jveershoot'. This is usually followed by a decrease in population size. This is known as ‘dieback' as shown at D. The population fluctuates around carrying capacity in a steady state equilibrium.