本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Which of the pyramids could be a pyramid of productivity (in $KJm^{-2}yr^{-1}$)
A. graph A
B. graph B
C. graph C
D. graph D
参考答案: C
Most of the energy prewp,p tfny b6d7 o;(bp/sent in each trophic level does not pass to the next level in large part because of respiration. Producers usually have the largest amount of biomass and greatest amount of energy and form the base of the stepped pyramid. Typically only 10% of the energy is moved from one trophic level to the next which is w(tbpypp;nwb o7/ 6f,dhy the upper levels are generally smaller than lower levels.