本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Figure: Population dens u :xpnd; d6n 5vre7ck/x.o 1zbities o +yv-+hz9 hb3y3uk cxd xihm9lu53z 8cf a predator and its prey
[Source: Adapted from Hczam (March 2020) File: predator prey.jpg - wikimedia commons A generalized graph of a predator-prey population density cycle. Retrieved June 18,2023 from https ://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Predator_prey_curve.png Copyright under CC0 4.0]
The Figure shows the population density cycles of a predator and prey. Describe the relationship between the two animals.
A. No relationship between predator and prey
B. Negative feedback maintaining a stable equilibrium
C. Positive feedback maintaining a stable equilibrium
D. Positive feedback going away from the initial equilibrium
参考答案: B
Negative feedback is when an initial change to a syp/jh9:t o,n7 r,dg sgustem leads to a response that reduces that change and brings the system back to the original state. Negative feedback is:s, ng7,gh/juodt9 pr important in maintaining a stable equilibrium. Option A is incorrect as there is clearly a relationship between predator and prey, as we can see that when one goes up or down the other does so too. Positive feedback does not bring the system back to equilibrium, but takes it away from the initial equilibrium, sometimes to a tipping point. Options C and D are therefore incorrect.