本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Identify which of the following is an examb23pa04yewc g+: u xmqple of f 8s 1rh1b*:ngz k f2ihg-ds,ptransformation.
A. Water is lost from plants by the process of transpiration (evaporation from the leaves).
B. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide moves into the leaves of the plants.
C. Producers are consumed by herbivores in ecosystems.
D. Glucose and other sugars made in the leaves are transported to other parts of the plant.
参考答案: A
Option A is correct because it involves a change of state, 8mm wf ydi,l0h( hu5ke/py, 5gwater is lost by evaporation. All otheyyfpl0hkg mw/,dh e85(umi, 5 r choices are a movement of matter from one place to another. Transfer of matter refers to the change in location, and transformation of matter refers to a change in state for example from liquid to gas or solid to liquid.