本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Identify which of the followi:ma4uhgdi5,41 egh fvau e22 ing statements is false when discussing a pyfk/mhl2 t g8+jramid of 2tlkg/f8+ jmhbiomass.
A. It is a measure of the mass of the living things in an area.
B. It is generally a proper pyramid shape.
C. It follows the ‘10% rule’ moving up the trophic levels.
D. It is measured in $gm^{-2}$
参考答案: C
Options A, B and D are algxp barh:59 0gl statements that are true of pyramids of biomass. Option C is true of pyramids ofg 0pbhxg:59r a energy as 90% of the energy is lost at each trophic level.