本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Figure: Earth's carb vs/iwn-i: *+e tvor((oj vl3xon storages & annu ozuz z2 ifv8: :eh5kr4al flows in GT $yr^{-1}$
[Source: Adapted from NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory (n.d.) Measuring & Analyzing Greenhouse Gases: Behind the Scenes. Retrieved March 20, 2022, from https ://gml.noaa.gov/outreach/behind_the_scenes/gases.html . Copyright under Public Domain]
Using the Figure, calculate a net flow of carbon.
A. Vegetation/soil releases 1 G T of carbon to the atmosphere each year.
B. Vegetation/soil absorbs 1 G T of carbon from the atmosphere each year.
C. Marine biota gain 11 G T of carbon each year.
D. Marine biota lose 11 G T of carbon each year.
参考答案: B
The diagram shows that soil/vegetation absorbs 123 GT of carbon from the atmow*sofx+1b*e/t vwy( e)ux6v vsphere per year and releases 122 GT of carbon into the atmospoue*w twxby vv6f) (+*ex/vs1here per year. So, soil/vegetation absorbs a net of 123 GT−122 GT=1 GT of carbon per year. Soil/vegetation gains 1 GT of carbon each year, rather than releasing 1 GT of carbon to the atmosphere (Option A). Marine biota gain a net total of 11 GT of carbon from the surface ocean but lose 11 GT of carbon to the intermediate/deep ocean so have a net flow of 0 GT of carbon per year. Therefore, marine biota neither gains 11 GT of carbon per year (Option C) nor loses 11 GT of carbon per year (Option D).