本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
State which is not a descr5*eo djv ;3ucn1v 5ifoiption of the rainforest biom7 es:z:kbxb5s(1kx cje.
A. The biome is found in equatorial regions.
B. Not much light can penetrate the canopy.
C. Many trees have deep root systems to support the tall trees.
D. Animal life is extremely diverse, as seen by the numbers of insects, reptiles and amphibians among others.
参考答案: C
The root system is shallow; the trees have large buttresses thatrf b0em/kt+assayx. r,-t d /2 help support this system. Buttress roots are roots that grow out of tree trunks and generre+s/dt 2a., yfka/sx-r b mt0ally prevent trees from falling over.