本题目来源于试卷: IB ESS Unit 2: Ecosystems & Ecology,类别为 IB环境系统与社会
Identify the correct states 9q knryj6o.tfx;:20n ,aiys mc:1( 5fr p+ale(9 .uzujmwbtqent related to diversity in an ecosystem.
A. An increase in genetic diversity in an ecosystem leads to an increase in species diversity.
B. An increase in species diversity in an ecosystem leads to an increase in habitat diversity.
C. An increase in genetic diversity in an ecosystem leads to an increase in habitat diversity.
D. An increase in habitat diversity in an ecosystem leads to an increase in species diversity.
参考答案: D
We generally discuss the genetic diversity within one species, which dote iom- hls9//)s iix8es not impact ex h9ise8/i l- miots)/ither species or habitat diversity; thus, options A and C are incorrect. An increase in the number of different species will not increase the number of places for other organisms to live (habitat diversity); thus option B is incorrect. An ecosystem or biome that offers a variety of places to live can provide a larger number of species with a place to live. Thus option D is the correct answer.