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Counting Principles  (id: 4ab75b931)

admin 发表于 2024-6-2 22:21:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本题目来源于试卷: Counting Principles ,类别为 IB数学

Sophie and Ella play a game. They each have five cards shxpkq2(u c0 g5no/qo( fo84 /m1aow+.dh0j+ uwwopvsq.r mli a;wing roman numerals I, V, X, L, C. Sophie lays her cards face up on the table in order I, V, X, L, C as shown in the folloo h aq8r;ww l.d0i/mv1+su o4 .a+pjwmwing diagram.

Ella shuffles her cards and lays them face down on the table. She then turns them over one by one to see if her card matches with Sophie's 4 card directly above. Sophie wins if no matches occur; otherwise Ella wins.
1. Show that the probability that Sophie wins the game is $\frac{11}{30}$ .

Sophie and Ella repeat their game so that they play a total of 90 times. Let the discrete random variable X represent the number of times Sophie wins.  
2. Determine:
1. the mean of X ;  
2. the variance of X .  

空格1: 11/30±2%空格2: 33±2%空格3: 20.9±2%





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