本题目来源于试卷: Economic Development,类别为 IB经济学
Identify from the list below which is not i6k8v wpsns ,*tncluded in the calculation of th /c5rgbx r7soak(cup91+9flte Human Development Index (H lr+(97 t1p/abockcufrs9g x5DI):
A. number of hospital beds per 1 000 people
B. gross national income per capita (PPP)
C. mean years of schooling
D. life expectancy at birth
参考答案: A
A Explanation: The HDI is a composite indicator measuring economic development across three dimensions: - Standard of living, measured by GNI per capita (PPP) (Choice B)
- Education, measured by mean years of schooling (Choice C) and expected years of schooling
- Health, measured by life expectancy at birth (Choice D)