本题目来源于试卷: Free Trade and Trade Protection,类别为 IB经济学
Which of the following+nq2d/jygj,b s6bb-n is not a benefit of free trad:ob 2.n2l-p oxpq tj 5szq05fie?
A. Greater consumer choice
B. Acquisition of resources
C. Growth of infant industries
D. More efficient allocation of resources
参考答案: C
C Explanation: Infant industries are at nascent stages of development. To withstand competition, they need to be protected. Hence, free trade hampers their development as they cannot compete successfully against established firms in other countries. Options A, B, and D are correct. Option A: as free trade helps countries to import a large variety of goods which increases the choice for consumers. Option B: as countries can import resources which are not available domestically. Option D: as countries can specialise in the production of commodities in which they have a comparative advantage leading to efficient allocation of resources.