本题目来源于试卷: 美国2021年物理杯赛真题 PHYSICS BOWL 2021,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
Two balls, A and B, are launched simultaneously from theorigin (O) on a level surface at the respective angles of 60°and 30° shown in the picture. Ball A has a launch speed vwhile Ball B has a launch speed 2v. Ball A lands T secondsafter launch at a horizontal distance D from the origin. What horizontal distance separates the landing points of Ball A and Ball B?
A. 2D
B. 3D
C. 4D
D. 5D
E. 6D
参考答案: D
$x=\frac{v_0^2 sin2 \theta}{g}$ ;$x_A=0.087v^2$; $x_B=0.35v^2$