本题目来源于试卷: 美国2021年物理杯赛真题 PHYSICS BOWL 2021,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
You are given three identical resistors, each of resistance R. Each resistor can sustain a maximumpower of P. Two of the resistors are connected in series, and a third is connected in parallel withthese two. What is the maximum power this network can sustain?
A. $\frac{2p}{3}$
B. $\frac{3p}{2}$
C. 2p
D. 3p
E. 6p
参考答案: B
Final combination of resistors offers 2/3 of the resistance of each individual resistor and
1.5 times more current can move through this combined resistor circuit.