本题目来源于试卷: magnet and magnetic field lines,类别为 美国物理杯赛(Physics Bowl)
17.33: Two long wire 2ffblz 3 )n zpk6b.q9is .cgz,1tcyb wa1r1a/bpi2 d f 6are fixed in space so that the conventional current in the left wire (2 A) comes out of the plane of the page and the conventional current in the right wire (3 A) goes into the plane of the page. In which Region(s) is there a p 1c 162 byc.a1wzd apfr, itb/glace on the x-axis (aside from infinity) at which the magnetic field is equal to zero from these currents?
A. Only in Region I
B. In both Regions I and II
C. Only in Region II
D. In both Regions I and III
E. In both Regions II and IIID. electric field strength divided by magnetic field strength
F. charge divided by mass
参考答案: A